Plant-Based Bacon with Cabbage

There’s so many ways of preparing bacon, not sure what to have for dinner! Wanting something simple and easy. And will take a few minutes to prepare knowing you’ll also enjoy it.


Half of a medium sized cabbage, finely chopped

1 small onion, finely diced

1 small tomato, finely diced

175g 6oz plant-based bacon, already chopped in packet/ if not cut in small pieces

1 tsp Apple cider vinegar, for taste taking away a bit of the salt from bacon and giving a nice salty tangy flavour.

4 tbsp olives oil or coconut oil


Heat oil in frying pan, add bacon, allow to cook for a few minutes then add onion, chilli pepper if using, then add your cabbage once cabbage is tender and cooked, add vinegar and black pepper and served preferably with yam, or sweet potatoes, dumplings of your choice..

Published by DFV Queen

I have develop a passion for natural and healthy life style, starting with a vegan life style including regular exercising each day. Which helped to feel inspired and happy within myself. my diet is very restricted due to severe allergies! When ever a food triggers a hostile response from the body's immune system the result is an allergy attack, which on occasion may be life-threatening although it's relatively simple to identifying problem foods, avoiding them completely is not always easy. My journey with allergies hasn't been easy "but" it has helped me to becomes a stronger person and would like to share and encourage others to never get discouraged, there's always light at the end of the tunnel if you keep persevering.